
天锡小说网>gossip girl百度 > 第11部分(第3页)


tightly he buckled his belt。

“Yeah; it is;” Nate agreed。 “I’m all fucked up。” His feet were itchy。 It

felt like the grass was growing through the rubber soles of his


Jeremy stopped dribbling the ball。 “Hey; Nate。 Have you seen

Serena van der Woodsen yet?” he asked。 “I heard she’s back。”

Nate looked at the ball longingly; wishing he had it so he could

dribble it away across the field and pretend he hadn’t heard

Jeremy’s question。 He could feel the other three boys staring at him。

He bent down and pulled his left shoe off so he could scratch the

bottom of his foot。 Damn; it itched。 “Yeah; I saw her Monday;” he

said casually; hopping up and down on one foot。

Charlie cleared his throat and spit in the grass。 “What’d she look

like?” he asked。 “I heard she got into all sorts of trouble up at


“Me too;” Anthony said; sucking on the roach。 “I heard she got

kicked out for having sex with this whole group of guys in her room。

Her roommate ratted her out。” He laughed。 “Like; couldn’t she

afford a hotel room?”

Charlie laughed。 “I heard she has a kid。 I’m serious。 She had it in

France and left it there。 Her parents are paying to have it raised in

some fancy French convent。 It’s like a fucking movie; man。”

Nate couldn’t believe what he was hearing。 He dropped his shoe

and sat down in the grass。 Then he took off his other shoe and

pulled off both of his socks。 He didn’t say anything; he just sat

there; scratching his bare feet。

“Can you imagine Serena with all these guys in her dorm room?

Like; Ooh; baby。 Harder; harder!” Jeremy fell down on the grass;

rubbing his skinny belly and cackling hysterically。 “Oh; man!”

“Wonder if she even knows who the daddy is;” Anthony said。

“I heard there was a pretty major drug thing going on; too;” Charlie

said。 “She was dealing and got addicted to whatever it was。 She

was in rehab in Switzerland all summer。 After the baby was born; I


“Whoa; that is fucked up;” Jeremy said。

“You and her had a thing; didn’t you; Nate?” Charlie said。

“Where’d you hear that?” Nate asked; frowning。

Charlie shook his head and smiled。 “I don’t know; man。 Around。

