What’s the problem? She’s hot。”
“Yeah; well; I’ve had hotter;” Nate said; and immediately regretted
it。 What was he talking about?
“Yeah; Blair’s pretty hot too; I guess;” Charlie said。
“I bet she gets pretty crazy in bed;” Jeremy agreed。
“Dude’s tired just thinking about it!” Anthony said; pointing at Nate
and cackling。
Nate laughed and shook his head; trying to shake their words out of
his ears。 He lay back in the grass and stared at the empty blue sky。
If he tilted his head all the way back; he could just see the rooftops
of the penthouses along Fifth Avenue; Serena’s and Blair’s included。
Nate let his chin fall so all he could see was blue sky again。 He was
too baked to deal with any of this。 He tuned his friends out and tried
to clear his mind pletely; his head as empty and blue as the sky。
But he couldn’t get the images of Serena and Blair out of his mind’s
eye; floating naked above his head。 “You know you love me;” they
were saying。 Nate smiled and closed his eyes。
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events havebeen altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
I know it hasn’t been long。 But I can’t resist writing more about N。
My new favorite topic。 He is so stunningly beautiful; after all。 Even if
he is kind of lacking in the balls department。
Actually; my new favorite topic is the Waspoid—the elite version of
the wasteoid; or stoner boy。 Unlike the average stoner wasteoid; the
Waspoid isn’t into metal or online dungeon games or skateboarding
or eating vegan。 He gets cute haircuts and has good skin。 He smells
nice; he wears the cashmere sweaters his girlfriend buys for him; he
gets decent grades; and he’s sweet to his mom。 He sails and plays
soccer。 He knows how to tie a necktie。 He knows how to dance。 He’s
sexy! But the Waspoid never fully invests himself in anything or
anyone。 He isn’t a go…getter and he never says what’s on his mind。
He doesn’t take risks; which is what makes it so risky to fall in love
with him。
You might have noticed that I’m just the opposite—I never know
when to shut up! And I seriously believe that opposites attract。 I
have to confess; I’m being a Waspoid groupie。
Apparently I’m not the only one。