Friday; even though she was in school with Serena every day and
they were best friends and told each other everything? Chances
were; no。 And what about Chuck Bass? He wasn’t exactly good at
keeping secrets。
Nate rubbed his pretty green eyes viciously。 It didn’t matter how
Blair found out。 Any way he looked at it; he was fucked。 He tried to
e up with a plan; but the only plan he could think of was to wait
and see what happened when he saw Blair on Friday night。 There
was no point in getting all worked up about it now。
Just then the door to the puter lab opened; and Jeremy Scott
Tompkinson poked his head around the door。
“Yo; Nathaniel; we’re cutting Gym。 e to the park with us and
play some ball。”
The second bell rang。 Nate was late for Gym anyway; and after Gym
he had lunch。 Cutting sounded like an excellent idea。
“Yeah; sure;” Nate said。 “Hold on a sec。” He clicked on Blair’s e…mail
and dragged it across the screen and into the trash。 “Okay;” he
said; standing up。 “Let’s go。”
Hmmm; if he really loved her; he probably would’ve saved the e…
mail; or at least answered it; right?
It was a sunny October day in Central Park。 Out in Sheep Meadow
lots of kids were cutting school; just lying in the grass; smoking; or
playing Frisbee。 The trees surrounding the meadow were a blaze of
yellows; oranges; and reds; and beyond the trees loomed the
beautiful old apartment buildings on Central Park West。 A guy was
selling weed; and Anthony Avuldsen bought some to add to what
Nate had picked up at the pizza place yesterday at lunch。 Nate;
Jeremy; Anthony; and Charlie Dern passed an enormous joint
between them as they dribbled a soccer ball around on the grass。
Charlie puffed on the joint and passed it to Jeremy。 Nate shot him
the ball and Charlie tripped over it。 He was six feet tall; and his
head was too big for his body。 People called him Frankenstein。 Ever
the blond athletic one; even when he was stoned; Anthony dove for
the ball; kicked it up in the air and headed it at Jeremy。 It hit Jeremy
in his puny chest and he let it roll to the ground; dribbling it
between his feet。
“Shit; this stuff is strong;” Jeremy said; hitching up his pants。 They
were always sliding down below his skinny hips; no matter how