
天锡小说网>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第101部分(第1页)


and bit down upon them crudely with eagerness and longing。

“Coins counterfeited by the Veians are everywhere;” she said; smiling。

As  soon  as  she’d  left;  I  warned  Hayriye  not  to  let  the  children  upstairs。  I

went up to the room where Black lay; locked the door behind me and cuddled

up eagerly next to Black’s naked body。 Then; more out of curiosity than desire;

more out of care than fear; I did what Black wanted me to do in the house of

the Hanged Jew the night my poor father was killed。

I  can’t  say  I  pletely  understood  why  Persian  poets;  who  for  centuries

had  likened  that  male  tool  to  a  reed  pen;  also  pared  the  mouths  of  us

women to inkwells; or what lay behind such parisons whose origins had

been  forgotten  through  rote  repetition—was  it  the  smallness  of  the  mouth?

The arcane silence of the inkwell? Was it that God Himself was an illuminator?

Love; however; must be understood; not through the logic of a woman like me

who continually racks her brain to protect herself; but through its illogic。

So;  let  me  tell  you  a  secret:  There;  in  that  room  that  smelled  of  death;  it

wasn’t the object in my mouth that delighted me。 What delighted me then;


lying  there  with  the  entire  world  throbbing  between  my  lips;  was  the  happy

twittering  of  my  sons  cursing  and  roughhousing  with  each  other  in  the


While my mouth was thus occupied; my eyes could make out Black looking

at me in a pletely different way。 He said he’d never again forget my face

and  my  mouth。  As  with  some  of  my  father’s  old  books;  his  skin  smelled  of

moldy paper; and the scent of the Treasury’s dust and cloth had saturated his

hair。  As  I  let  myself  go  and  caressed  his  wounds;  his  cuts  and  swellings;  he

groaned like a child; moving further and further away from death; and it was

then I understood I would bee even more attached to him。 Like a solemn

ship  that  gains  speed  as  its  sails  swell  with  wind;  our  gradually  quickening

lovemaking took us boldly into unfamiliar seas。

I  could  tell  by  the  way  he  was  able  to  navigate  these  waters;  even  on  his

deathbed; that Black had plied these seas many times before with who knows

what  manner  of  indecent  women。  While  I  was  confused  as  to  whether  the

forearm I kissed was my own or his; whether I was sucking my own finger or

an entire life; he stared out of one half…opened eye; nearly intoxicated by his

wounds  and  pleasure;  checking  where  the  world  was  taking  him;  and  from

time to time; he would hold my head delicately in his hands; and stare at my

face astounded; now looking as if at a picture; now as if at a Mingerian whore。

