
天锡小说网>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第40部分(第1页)


“I’m not afraid of them;” Enishte said; “because I’m not afraid of death。”


Who  were  “they”?  I  nodded  as  if  I  understood。  Yet  annoyance  began  to

mount within me。 I noticed that the old volume immediately beside Enishte

was El…Jevziyye’s Book of the Soul。 All dotards who seek death share a love for

this book that recounts the adventures that await the soul。 Since I’d been here

last; I saw only one new item among the objects collected in trays; resting on

the  chest;  among  the  pen  cases;  penknives;  nib…cutting  boards;  inkwells  and

brushes: a bronze inkpot。

“Let’s establish; once and for all; that we do not fear them;” I said boldly。

“Take out the last illustration。 Let’s show it to them。”

“But wouldn’t this prove that we minded their slander; at least enough to

take it seriously? We’ve done nothing of which we ought to be afraid。 What

could justify your being so frightened?”

He stroked my hair like a father。 I was afraid that I might burst into tears

again; I embraced him。

“I  know  why  that  unfortunate  gilder  Elegant  Effendi  was  killed;”  I  said

excitedly。 “By slandering you; your book and us; Elegant Effendi was planning

to  set  Nusret  Hoja  of  Erzurum’s  men  upon  us。  He  was  convinced  that  we’d

fallen sway to the Devil。 He’d begun spreading such rumors; trying to incite

the  other  miniaturists  working  on  your  book  to  rebel  against  you。  I  don’t

know why he suddenly began to do this。 Perhaps out of jealousy; perhaps he’d

e  under  Satan’s  influence。  And  the  other  miniaturists  also  heard  how

determined Elegant Effendi was to destroy us all。 You can imagine how each of

them grew frightened and succumbed to suspicions as I myself had。 Because

one of their lot was cornered; in the middle of the night; by Elegant Effendi—

who had incited him against you; us; our book; as well as against illustrating;

painting  and  all  else  we  believe  in—that  artist  fell  into  a  panic;  killing  that

scoundrel and tossing his body into a well。”


“Elegant Effendi was an ill…natured; ill…bred traitor。 Villain!” I shouted as if

he were before me in the room。

Silence。 Did he fear me? I was afraid of myself。 It was as if I’d succumbed to

