
天锡小说网>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第20部分(第1页)


cradling  the  dying  Darius  from  Firdusi’s  Book  of  Kings…  the  account  of  the

teacher  who  falls  in  love  with  his  handsome  student  from  Sadi’s  Rosegarden

…the  contest  of  doctors  from  Nizami’s  Treasury  of  Secrets…”  The  other

miniaturists;  vexed  by  their  elderly  and  blind  colleague;  said;  “We  could’ve

told you that as well。 These are the best…known scenes from the most famous

stories。”  In  turn;  the  aged  and  blind  miniaturist  placed  the  most  difficult

illustrations  before  the  child  and  again  listened  intently。  “Hürmüz  poisoning

the calligraphers one by one from Firdusi’s Book of Kings;” he said; again facing

the sky。 “A cheap rendition of the terrible account of the cuckold who catches

his wife and her lover in a pear tree; from Rumi’s Masnawi;” he said。 In this

fashion;  relying  on  the  boy’s  descriptions;  he  identified  all  of  the  pictures;

none  of  which  he  could  see;  and  thereby  succeeded  in  having  the  books

properly bound together again。 When Ulu? Bey entered Herat with his army;

he  asked  the  old  miniaturist  by  what  secret  he;  a  blind  man;  could  identify

those stories that other master illustrators couldn’t determine even by looking

at them。 “It isn’t; as one might assume; that my memory pensates for my

blindness;” replied the old illustrator。 “I have never forgotten that stories are

recollected  not  only  through  images;  but  through  words  as  well。”  Ulu?  Bey

responded  that  his  own  miniaturists  knew  those  words  and  stories;  but  still

couldn’t  order  the  pictures。  “Because;”  said  the  old  miniaturist;  “they  think

quite well when it es to painting; which is their skill or their art; but they

don’t  prehend  that  the  old  masters  made  these  pictures  out  of  the


memories  of  Allah  Himself。”  Ulu?  Bey  asked  how  a  child  could  know  such

things。  “The  child  doesn’t  know;”  said  the  old  miniaturist。  “But  I;  an  elderly

and blind miniaturist; know that Allah created this worldly realm the way an

intelligent seven…year…old boy would want to see it; what’s more; Allah created

this earthly realm so that; above all; it might be seen。 Afterward; He provided

us  with  words  so  we  might  share  and  discuss  with  one  another  what  we’ve

seen。 We mistakenly assumed that these stories arose out of words and that

illustrations  were  painted  in  service  of  these  stories。  Quite  to  the  contrary;

painting is the act of seeking out Allah’s memories and seeing the world as He

sees the world。”


Two hundred fifty years ago; Arab miniaturists were in the custom of staring

at the western horizon at daybreak to alleviate the understandable and eternal

anxieties about going blind shared by all miniaturists; likewise; a century later

