
天锡小说网>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第4部分(第1页)


forlornly at each other from a distance when they pass on the street。 Dogs who

roam the streets of Istanbul freely in packs and munities; the way we do;

dogs who threaten people if necessary; who can curl up in a warm corner or

stretch out in the shade and sleep peacefully; and who can shit wherever they

want  and  bite  whomever  they  want;  such  dogs  are  beyond  the  infidels’

conception。  It’s  not  that  I  haven’t  thought  that  this  might  be  why  the

followers of the Erzurumi oppose praying for dogs and feeding them meat on

the streets of Istanbul in exchange for divine favors and even why they oppose

the establishment of charities that perform such services。 If they intend both


to treat us as enemies and make infidels of us; let me remind them that being

an enemy to dogs and being an infidel are one and the same。 At the; I hope;

not  too  distant  executions  of  these  disgraceful  men;  I  pray  our  executioner

friends  invite  us  to  take  a  bite;  as  they  sometimes  do  to  set  a  deterring


Before  I  finish;  let  me  say  this:  My  previous  master  was  a  very  just  man。

When  we  set  out  at  night  to  thieve;  we’d  cooperate:  I’d  begin  to  bark;  and

he’d cut the throat of our victim whose screams would be drowned out by my

barking。 In return for my help; he’d cut up the guilty men that he’d punished;

boil them and feed them to me。 I don’t like raw meat。 God willing; the would…

be  executioner  of  that  cleric  from  Erzurum  will  take  this  into  account  so  I

won’t upset my stomach with that scoundrel’s raw flesh。



Nay; I wouldn’t have believed I could take anyone’s life; even if I’d been told

so moments before I murdered that fool; and thus; my offense at times recedes

from me like a foreign galleon disappearing on the horizon。 Now and again; I

even  feel  as  if  I  haven’t  mitted  any  crime  at  all。  Four  days  have  passed

since I was forced to do away with hapless Elegant; who was a brother to me;

and only now have I; to some extent; accepted my situation。

I would’ve preferred to resolve this unexpected and awful dilemma without

having  to  do  away  with  anybody;  but  I  knew  there  was  no  other  choice。  I

handled  the  matter  then  and  there;  assuming  the  burden  of  responsibility。  I

couldn’t  let  the  false  accusations  of  one  foolhardy  man  endanger  the  entire

society of miniaturists。

Nevertheless;  being  a  murderer  takes  some  getting  used  to。  I  can’t  stand

being at home; so I head out to the street。 I can’t stand my street; so I walk on

to another; and then another。 As I stare at people’s faces; I realize that many of

