
天锡小说网>我的名字叫红最好译本 > 第70部分(第1页)


mercilessly needled our mon enemies; and after I really warmed up; I went

so far as to roughhouse and kiss men on the neck。 Yet; knowing that a part of

my  soul  remained  mercilessly  silent  when  I  involved  myself  in  such  behavior

caused me unbearable torment。

Noheless; before long; I not only succeeded in using figurative language

to pare my own cock; and those of others that were much…talked about; to

brushes;  reeds;  coffeehouse  pillars;  flutes;  newel  posts;  door  knockers;  leeks;

minarets; lady fingers in heavy syrup; pine trees; and twice; to the world itself;


I was equally successful in paring the asses of much…discussed pretty boys

to  oranges;  figs;  small  haycocklike  pastries;  pillows  and  also  to  tiny  anthills。

Meanwhile;  the  most  conceited  of  the  calligraphers  my  age  was  only  able  to

pare his oateurishly and without any self…confidence I

might  add—to  a  ship’s  mast  and  a  porter’s  pole。  Furthermore;  I  made

allusions  to  old  miniaturists’  dicks  that  would  no  longer  rise;  the  cherry…

colored  lips  of  new  apprentices;  master  calligraphers  who  hoarded  their

money (as did I) in a certain place (“the most disgusting nook”); how perhaps

opium had been put into the wine I was drinking instead of rose petals; the

last  great  masters  of  Tabriz  and  Shiraz;  the  mixing  of  coffee  and  wine  in

Aleppo; and the calligraphers and beautiful boys to be found there。

At times it seemed that one of the two spirits within me had; in the end;

emerged  victorious;  leaving  the  other  behind;  and  that  I’d  finally  forgotten

that  silent  and  loveless  aspect  of  myself。  At  these  times  I  remembered  the

holiday  celebrations  of  my  childhood  during  which  I  was  able  to  be  myself

along with my kith and kin。 Despite all these jokes; kisses and embraces; there

was still a silence within me that left me suffering and isolated in the heart of

the crowd。

Who  had  endowed  me  with  this  silent  and  merciless  spirit—it  was  not  a

spirit but a jinn—which always chided me and cut me off from others? Satan?

But  the  silence  within  me  was  eased;  not  by  the  crass  mischief  instigated  by

Satan;  on  the  contrary;  by  the  most  pure  and  simple  stories  that  drove  into

one’s  soul。  Under  the  influence  of  wine;  I  told  two  stories;  hoping  that  this

would  grant  me  peace。  A  tall;  pale;  yet  pinkish…plected  calligrapher’s

apprentice focused his green eyes onto mine and was listening to me with rapt


Two Stories on Blindness and Style

the Miniaturist Told to Ease the Loneliness in His Soul


