
天锡小说网>美剧同人推荐 > 第2部分(第2页)






Rachel因为不满而急促了些呼吸,看着勾着唇角的Quinn,不是很安静地起身,一跺脚,“Fine;you win(行!你赢了)!”说完便diva式地storm out了。而Quinn回转头看着Rachel离开的背影,摇着头笑了笑,果然是十足的diva。


HBIC:head bitch in charge


第4章 第三章 the only exception

Finn背对着Rachel,她不知道他是怎样的表情,嘈杂的走廊更加没有半点帮助,直到Quinn冷着脸走过来,“I said what you wanted me to; he shot me down。 So congrats; looks like he really loves you。(我说了你想让我说的,他拒绝了我。所以恭喜你了,看起来他真的很喜欢你。)”Rachel悬着的心才完全放下来,随即,笑容从她脸上蔓延开来,带着一些些感动,一些些温暖,Rachel回过头看着走廊另一端Finn的身影。而当然,她是看不见Quinn回过头投给她略微复杂眼神。

Glee club。

“I’d like to dedicate this song to my boyfriend; Finn。 I was wrong。 I shouldn’t control you。 I’ve just; I’ve never been this happy before。 And I realize that; I was trying to hold onto how you were making me feel so much that I was strangling you in my hands; like a little bird。 I get now; that in order for this relationship to work; I have to open up my hands and let you fly free。(我希望把这首歌献给我的男朋友Finn。之前是我错了,我不应该试着控制你。我只是,我从来没有这么开心过。但我后来意识到,我太想留住这份幸福以至于用双手钳制了你,像一只小鸟一样。但我现在明白了,要让这份感情维系下去,我应该松开手,让你自由飞翔。)”Rachel看见Finn略带感动的看着自己,知道自己这次终于做对了,也为自己不信任Finn而有着些许的内疚。带着歉疚真诚的心,她用歌声向Finn道歉,也向他诉说心肠。

“When I was younger I saw

My daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart and I watched

As he tried to reassemble it

And my mama swore

That she would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

Id never sing of love

If it does not exist

But darling you are the only exception”


“But you are the only exception

But you are the only exception

But you are the only exception

Well maybe I know somewhere

Deep in my soul

That love never lasts

And weve got to find other ways

To make it alone

