
天锡小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第40部分(第1页)


The days that followed were pure hell for Anne。 After tears; came

selfrecrimination。 She had been naive; she had been irresponsible; she

had been wanton。 She should never have returned to the cabin after the

first week。 She shouldnt even have stayed there then。

Self…recrimination gave way to anger; and she railed on at Mitch for a

while。 She didnt understand how a person could do what he did。 And he

kept calling her! She cringed each time the phone rang and answered only

to avoid visits from her family。 When it was Mitch; she hung up。

Her seclusion was more total than it had been after Jeffs death;

because no one; but no one; knew about Mitch and her。 If her parents

sensed that her reaction to the deposition was extreme; they attributed

it to the final pain of losing Jeff。 She let them believe that; rather

than having to tell them what a fool shed been。

She couldnt begin to think of the future。 Once again; it was a

frightening void。 Each day was a challenge。 Her only hope was in wiping

Mitch from her mind; and it was easier here in New York。 They hadnt

spent time together here。 There were no memories of him here; other than

of the deposition; but; there; he hadnt been the man she loved。

On occasion she thought of Vermont。 Spring would be ing there。 She

would have liked to see the lilacs bloom and smell their fragrance。 So

there was a loss in this; too。

He stopped calling after the first few days; but; try as she might; she

was never able to push him far from mind。 Her father actually mentioned

him one afternoon。

〃I received a call from Mitchell Anderson the other night。 You know; the

head of SEAA?〃

Did she know him? Did she know him!

〃Seems like a nice fellow。 He wanted to make sure you were all right;

since you seemed so upset at the deposition。〃

〃Wasnt that considerate of him;〃 she snipped bitterly。 Guilt feelings。

Good。 Let him suffer 〃How did he know to call you? He doesnt know my

maiden name。〃 But; of course; he could find it out。 He could find out

anything he wanted。 Powerful men got what they wanted without batting an


〃He called Ted first;〃 her father explained。 〃He hesitated to call you

directly; for fear of upsetting you more。〃

〃Wise man。〃 Upsetting me more。 That was cute。

