
天锡小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第37部分(第1页)


maple syrup。

No matter that he had done this before; his enthusiasm and genuine

enjoyment of the process were in no way watered down。

As for Anne; she was enchanted watching the thin; colorless liquid

bubble and thicken to a dense golden brown。 On impulse; she slid an arm

around his waist; happier in that moment than in any in recent memory。

Regardless of what the future held; she would cherish this memory。

He grinned down at her。 〃What?〃

She sighed her pleasure。 〃Its been a tin week。 This is a great finish

to it。〃 She was leaving in the morning。 As it was; she had stayed a day

longer than shed planned; but he had asked her to。

〃Id rather a more personal finish;〃 he said now。 〃Better still; Id

rather no finish at all。〃

She basked in the tenderness of his expression; loving him and aching to

say it。 But she wasnt setting herself up for rejection again。 And

anyway; just then the sap gurgled wildly。

〃It shouldnt be long;〃 he said; lifting a large wooden spoon to stir

the solution and test for its thickness。 〃Should we have pancakes or

French toast for dinner?〃

〃For dinner?〃

〃I dont know about you; but I dont have the willpower to wait until

breakfast for this。〃

Anne drew a finger across the back of the cooling wooden spoon and

licked the sweet syrup from its tip。 〃Mmmmmm。 You may be right。〃 She

paused。 〃French toast。〃

〃French toast; it is。〃 Following her example; he tasted the syrup; then

ran his finger over the spoon and held it to her mouth。 The syrup was as

rich and sweet as the moment itself。 Anne thought she could go no


Suddenly; a faraway gleam entered his eyes。 His voice was filled with

gentleness。 〃Rachel enjoyed this taste…testing stage the most last year;


Anne froze。 Rachel? His 〃obligation〃? She frowned; then stood

straighter; then backed away from the arm on her shoulders。 Rachel?

With that faraway gleam; and such gentleness? Oh; yes; he loved Rachel。

Anne didnt doubt it for a minute。

He was frowning。 〃What is it?〃

〃How could you?〃

〃How could I what?〃 His innocence riled her。

〃How could you do that to me? How could you mention her name at a time

