she stood; smoothed out her jeans; and padded barefoot to the front
window。 The darkness was dense。 Staring out through rain…spattered
panes; she was grateful that she had shut the car windows and locked the
door。 The idea of going outside to do it now didnt appeal to her。 As
she stood; hands by her sides; eyes straight ahead; she could see
nothing but the black of night and her own grim reflection。
She didnt need friends to tell her that she looked gaunt and spectral。
Her cheeks were pale; hollowed by a weight loss that had cut into gentle
curves all over her body。 Her mouth was more often drawn thin and
straight now; rather than curved in a smile。 Dark eyes that had once
danced with happiness; now spoke of loneliness; and her hair didnt
swing。 It fit her mood; which was restrained。 Even now she had it tied
back with a thin strip of black velvet whose ends were lost in the
ribbing of her black turtleneck sweater。
This; too…this ghostly appearance…would have to change if she planned to
start a new life。
She had been paralyzed for weeks after the previous Januarys debacle。
The thought of a future without Jeff was still alien。 They had been
married for seven years; though it had seemed forever。 Anne was a
sophomore in college; a language major; when she had met him during a
summer of study in France。 He was one of the few Americans she had seen
during her three month stay with a family in a small village west of
Limoges。 His means of transportation had been a bicycle; his means of
munication a brilliant smile; until he discovered she spoke English。
From then on they were inseparable。 He revised his touring plans to
acmodate her; and when they returned to the States at the end of
August; friendship became courtship。 He was also from New York; his
family home an hours drive from her own。 By January she had transferred
to his midwestern university; they were married the following summer。
Only two years apart in age; they grew up together; passing through the
college years of flux and idealism with hours of carefree camaraderie
and first love。 Both had e from hard…working; upwardly mobile
families that helped them financially until they were on their own feet。
But money hadnt mattered; even when Jeff became a successful investment
consultant。 What mattered had always been Jeff and Anne; Anne and Jeff。