other day when we talked。 I dont know everything about you…all those
little secrets you keep bottled up inside。 I didnt even know so many
existed until this business with Ross。〃 He grew beseechful。 〃But you
have to work out whatever it is thats bothering you。 Hell; you should
be with him; Chloe。 He loves you; you love him。 Do you have any idea how
many marriages are based on much less?〃 Lee had been married。 He knew
this firsthand。
〃But a man like Ross deserves more than I can give him。〃
Lee tossed a hand in the air。 〃Thats a bunch of crap; and you know it。
If you want him; you can work out the kinks that hang you up。〃 He rose
and went to the window; stared out; turned back。 〃Damn it; Chloe; you
have so much going for you。 Are you going to sit back and let some great
mystery from the past ruin your future? I thought you were a doer! You
wouldnt be where you are today if you didnt believe in working for
what you believe in。〃
Chloe couldnt say a thing。 Lee had never talked to her this way before。
If another man had said what he had; she would have ignored him。 But she
couldnt ignore Lee。 She respected his opinion too much。
The horrified look on his face said that he hadnt planned the outburst。
He softened。 〃Hey; Im sorry。 I came across a little too strong。〃 He
paused。 〃But I meant what I said。 Either you can let it continue to get
you down or you can fight it。〃 He thrust the long fingers of one hand
through his hair。 〃rich; I dont even know what it is。 But I believe
that you can overe whatever。 I dont know what you were before;
Chloe; but youre a strong woman now。 Dont let a good thing escape。〃
She smiled sadly。 〃You dont understand。〃
〃No。 I dont。〃 He sighed。 〃What say we drop it for a while?〃 At her nod;
he added a final thought。 〃But promise me that if you want to talk;
youll e to me? I have broad shoulders。〃
She stood and gave him a hug。 〃Thanks; Lee。 I appreciate that。〃
Stepping back; she looked up at him。 Funny; he was warm and strong and
in his way as good…looking as Ross; but she felt no desire; no great
inner spark。
Lee held out a hand。 〃Friends?〃
She met his hand。 〃Friends。〃
〃And well accept the offer from Stephenson?〃
She yanked her hand back。 〃No。 Yes。 I dont know。〃 She strode toward the
door。 〃Do what you want!〃
How to go from high to low in seconds; she mused; as she returned to her
office and settled in at the desk。 Ross was forcing her hand; totally