
天锡小说网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第31部分(第1页)


〃You will be arrested and held as acplices concerned in the murder of Mrs Kettering; the English lady who was killed。〃


The mans face had gone chalk white; his knees knocked together。 Marie dropped the rolling…pin and began to weep。

〃But it is impossible … impossible。 I thought …〃

〃Since you stick to your story; there is nothing to be said。 I think you are both foolish。〃

He was turning towards the door when an agitated voice arrested him。

〃Monsieur; Monsieur; just a little moment。 I … I had no idea that it was anything of this kind。 I … I thought it was just a matter concerning a lady。 There have been little awkwardnesses with the police over ladies before。 But murder … that is very different。〃

〃I have no patience with you;〃 cried Poirot。 He turned round on them and angrily shook his fist in Hippolytes face。 〃Am I to stop here all day; arguing with a couple of imbeciles thus? It is the truth I want。 If you will not give it to me; that is your look out。 For the last time; when did Monsieur le te arrive at the Villa Marina … Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning?〃

〃Wednesday;〃 gasped the man; and behind him Marie nodded confirmation。

Poirot regarded them for a minute or two; then inclined his head gravely。

〃You are wise; my children;〃 he said quietly。 〃Very nearly you were in serious trouble。〃

He left the Villa Marina; smiling to himself。

〃One guess confirmed;〃 he murmured to himself。 〃Shall I take a chance on the other?〃

It was six oclock when the card of Monsieur Hercule Poirot was brought up to Mirelle。

She stared at it for a moment or two; and then nodded。 When Poirot entered; he found her walking up and down the room feverishly。 She turned on him furiously。

〃Well?〃 she cried。 〃Well? What is it now? Have you not tortured me enough; all of you? Have you not made me betray my poor Dereek? What more do you want?〃

〃Just one little question; Mademoiselle。 After the train left Lyons; when you entered Mrs Ketterings partment …〃

〃What is that?〃

Poirot looked at her with an air of mild reproach and began again。

〃I say when you entered Mrs Ketterings partment …〃

〃I never did。〃

〃And found her …〃

〃I never did。〃

〃Ah; sacré!〃

He turned on her in a rage and shouted at her; so that she cowered back before him。

〃Will you lie to me? I tell you I know what happened as well as though I had been there。 You went into her partment and you found her dead。 I tell you I know it。 To lie to me is dangerous。 Be careful; Mademoiselle Mirelle。〃

Her eyes wavered beneath his gaze and fell。

〃I … I didnt …〃 she began uncertainly and stopped。

〃There is only one thing about which I wonder;〃 said Poirot。 〃I wonder; Mademoiselle; if you found what you were looking for or whether …〃

〃Whether what?〃

〃Or whether someone else had been before you。〃

〃I ed the dancer。 She tore herself away from Poirots restraining hand; and flinging herself down on the floor in a frenzy; she screamed and sobbed。 A frightened maid came rushing in。

Hercule Poirot shrugged his shoulders; raised his eyebro。

But he seemed satisfied。

Chapter 30


Katherine looked out of Miss Viners bedroom window。 It was raining; not violently; but with a quiet; well…bred persistence。 The window looked out on a strip of front garden with a path down to the gate and neat little flower…beds on either side; where later roses and pinks and blue hyacinths would bloom。 Miss Viner was lying in a large Victorian bedstead。 A tray with the remains of breakfast had been pushed to one side and she was busy opening her correspondence and making various caustic ments upon it。

Katherine had an open letter in her hand and was reading it through for the second time。 It was dated from the Ritz Hotel; Paris。

