〃Eh bien?〃
〃The difficulty was that she insisted on seeing Mr Van Aldin himself。 I softened his message as much as I possibly could。 In fact … to be candid … I gave it in a very different form。 I said that Mr Van Aldin was too busy to see her at present; but that she might make any munication she wished to me。 That; however; she could not bring herself to do; and she left without saying anything further。 But I have a strong impression; M。 Poirot that that woman knows something。〃
〃This is serious;〃 said Poirot quietly。 〃You know where she is staying?〃
〃Yes。〃 Knighton mentioned the name of the hotel。
〃Good;〃 said Poirot; 〃we will go there immediately。〃
The secretary looked doubtful。
〃And Mr Van Aldin?〃 he queried doubtfully。
〃M。 Van Aldin is an obstinate man;〃 said Poirot drily。 〃I do not argue with obstinate men。 I act in spite of them。 We will go and see the lady immediately。 I will tell her that you are empowered by M。 Van Aldin to act for him; and you will guard yourself well from contradicting me。〃
Knighton still looked slightly doubtful; but Poirot took no notice of his hesitation。
At the hotel; they were told that Mademoiselle was in; and Poirot sent up both his and Knightons cards; with 〃From Mr Van Aldin〃 pencilled upon them。
Word came down that Mademoiselle Mirelle would receive them。
When they were ushered into the dancers apartments; Poirot immediately took the lead。
〃Mademoiselle;〃 he murmured; bowing very low; 〃we are here on behalf of M。 Van Aldin。〃
〃Ah! And why did he not e himself?〃
〃He is indisposed;〃 said Poirot mendaciously; 〃the Riviera throat; it has him in its grip; but me; I am empowered to act for him; as is Major Knighton; his secretary。 Unless; of course; Mademoiselle would prefer to wait a fortnight or so。〃
If there was one thing of which Poirot was tolerably certain; it was that to a temperament such as Mirelles the mere word 〃wait〃 was anathema。
〃Eh bien; I will speak; Messieurs;〃 she cried。 〃I have been patient。 I have held my hand。 And for what? That I should be insulted! Yes; insulted! Ah! Does he think to treat Mirelle like that? To throw her off like an old glove。 I tell you never has a man tired of me。 Always it is I who tire of them。〃
She paced up and down the room; her slender body trembling with rage。 A small table impeded her free passage and she flung it from her into a corner; where it splintered against the wall。
〃That is what I will do to him;〃 she cried; 〃and that!〃
Picking up a glass bowl filled with lilies she flung it into the grate; where it smashed into a hundred pieces。
Knighton was looking at her with cold British disapproval。 He felt embarrassed and ill at ease。 Poirot; on the other hand; with twinkling eyes was thoroughly enjoying the scene。
〃Ah; it is magnificent!〃 he cried。 〃It can be seen … Madame has a temperament。〃
〃I am an artist;〃 said Mirelle; 〃every artist has a temperament。 I told Dereek to beware; and he would not listen。〃 She whirled round on Poirot suddenly。 〃It is true; is it not; that he wants to marry that English miss?〃
Poirot coughed。
〃On ma dit;〃 he murmured; 〃that he adores her passionately。〃
Mirelle came towards them。
〃He murdered his wife;〃 she screamed。 〃There … now you have it! He told me beforehand that he meant to do it。 He had got to an impasse … zut! he took the easiest way out。〃
〃You say that M。 Kettering murdered his wife。〃
〃Yes; yes; yes。 Have I not told you so?〃
〃The police;〃 murmured Poirot; 〃will need proof of that … er … statement。〃
〃I tell you I saw him e out of her partment that night on the train。〃
〃When?〃 asked Poirot sharply。
〃Just before the train reached Lyons。〃
〃You will swear to that; Mademoiselle?〃
It was a different Poirot who spoke now; sharp and decisive。
There was a moments silence。 Mirelle was panting; and her eyes; half defiant; half frightened; went from the face of one man to the other。
〃This is a serious matter; Mademoiselle;〃 said the detective。 〃You realize how serious?〃