
天锡小说网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第25部分(第2页)


〃You would like my answer now?〃

〃If you please; Monsieur。〃

〃Then here it is。 You can go to the devil。 See?〃

Leaving the te too astonished to speak; Derek turned on his heel and swung out of the room。

Once out of the hotel he hailed a taxi and drove to Mirelles hotel。 On inquiring; he learned that the dancer had just e in。 Derek gave the concierge his card。

〃Take this up to Mademoiselle and ask if she will see me。〃

A very brief interval elapsed; and then Derek was bidden to follow a chasseur。

A wave of exotic perfume assailed Dereks nostrils as he stepped over the threshold of the dancers apartments。 The room was filled with carnations; orchids; and mimosa。 Mirelle was standing by the window in a peignoir of foamy lace。

She came towards him; her hands outstretched。

〃Derek … you have e to me。 I knew you would。〃

He put aside the clinging arms and looked down on her sternly。

〃Why did you send the te de la Roche to me?〃

She looked at him in astonishment; which he took to be genuine。

〃I? Send the te de la Roche to you? But for what?〃

〃Apparently … for blackmail;〃 said Derek grimly。

Again she stared。 Then suddenly she smiled and nodded her head。

〃Of course。 It was to be expected。 It is what he would do; ce type là。 I might have known it。 No; indeed; Dereek; I did not send him。〃

He looked at her piercingly; as though seeking to read her mind。

〃I will tell you;〃 said Mirelle。 〃I am ashamed; but I will tell you。 The other day you prehend; I ade an eloquent gesture。 〃My temperament; it is not a patient one。 I want to be revenged on you; and so I go to the te de la Roche; and I tell him to go to the police and say so and so; and so and so。 But have no fear; Dereek。 Not pletely did I lose my head; the proof rests with me alone。 The police can do nothing without my word; you understand? And now … now?〃

She nestled up close to him; looking up at him with melting eyes。

He thrust her roughly away from him。 She stood there; her breast heaving; her eyes narrowing to a catlike slit。

〃Be careful; Dereek; be very careful。 You have e back to me; have you not?〃

〃I shall never e back to you;〃 said Derek steadily。


More than ever the dancer looked like a cat。 Her eyelids flickered。

〃So there is another woman? The one with whom you lunched that day。 Eh; am I right?〃

〃I intend to ask that lady to marry me。 You might as well know。〃

〃That prim Englishwoman! Do you think that I will support that for one moment? Ah; no。〃 Her beautiful lithe body quivered。

〃Listen; Dereek; do you remember that conversation we had in London? You said the only thing that could save you was the death of your wife。 You regretted that she was so healthy。 Then the idea of an accident came to your brain。 And more than an accident。〃

〃I suppose;〃 said Derek contemptuously; 〃that it was this conversation that you repeated to the te de la Roche。〃

Mirelle laughed。

〃Am I a fool? Could the police do anything with a vague story like that? See … I will give you a last chance。 You shall give up this Englishwoman。 You shall return to me。 And then; cheri; never; never will I breathe …〃

〃Breathe what?〃

She laughed softly。 〃You thought no one saw you …〃

〃What do you mean?〃

〃As I say; you thought no one saw you … but I saw you; Dereek; mon ami; I saw you ing out of the partment of Madame your wife just before the train got into Lyons that night。 And I know more than that。 I know that when you came out of her partment she was dead。〃

He stared at her。 Then; like a man in a dream he turned very slowly and went out of the room; swaying slightly as he walked。

