t the station in Paris。 That was clearly not part of the preconceived plan … you agree with me; Knighton?〃
The secretary started。 〃I beg your pardon; Mr Van Aldin。 I was not listening。〃
〃Day…dreaming; eh?〃 said Van Aldin。 〃Thats not like you。 I believe that girl has bowled you over。〃
Knighton blushed。
〃She is a remarkably nice girl;〃 said Van Aldin thoughtfully; 〃very nice。 Did you happen to notice her eyes?〃
〃Any man;〃 said Knighton; 〃would be bound to notice her eyes。〃
Chapter 21
Several days had elapsed。 Katherine had been for a walk by herself one morning; and came back to find Lenox grinning at her expectantly。
〃Your young man has been ringing you up; Katherine!〃
〃Who do you call my young man?〃
〃A new one … Rufus Van Aldins secretary。 You seem to have made rather an impression there。 You are being a serious breaker of hearts; Katherine。 First Derek Kettering; and now this young Knighton。 The funny thing is; that I remember him quite well。 He was in Mothers War Hospital that she ran out here。 I was only a kid of about eight at the time。〃
〃Was he badly wounded?〃
〃Shot in the leg; if I remember rightly … rather a nasty business。 I think the doctors messed it up a bit。 They said he wouldnt limp or anything; but when he left here he was still pletely dot and go one。〃
Lady Tamplin came out and joined them。
〃Have you been telling Katherine about Major Knighton?〃 she asked。 〃Such a dear fellow! Just at first I didnt remember him … one had so many … but now it all es back。〃
〃He was a bit too unimportant to be remembered before;〃 said Lenox。 〃Now that he is a secretary to an American millionaire; it is a very different matter。〃
〃Darling!〃 said Lady Tamplin in her vague reproachful voice。
〃What did Major Knighton ring up about?〃 inquired Katherine。
〃He asked if you would like to go to the tennis this afternoon。 If so; he would call for you in a car。 Mother and I accepted for you with empressement。 Whilst you dally with a millionaires secretary; you might give me a chance with the millionaire; Katherine。 He is about sixty; I suppose; so that he will be looking about for a nice sweet young thing like me。〃
〃I should like to meet Mr Van Aldin;〃 said Lady Tamplin earnestly; 〃one has heard so much of him。 Those fine rugged figures of the Western world …〃 she broke off … 〃so fascinating;〃 she murmured。
〃Major Knighton was very particular to say it was Mr Van Aldins invitation;〃 said Lenox。 〃He said it so often that I began to smell a rat。 You and Knighton would make a very nice pair; Katherine。 Bless you; my children!〃
Katherine laughed; and went upstairs to change her clothes。
Knighton arrived soon after lunch and endured manfully Lady Tamplins transports of recognition。
When they were driving together towards Cannes he remarked to Katherine: 〃Lady Tamplin has changed wonderfully little。〃
〃In manner or appearance?〃
〃Both。 She must be; I suppose; well over forty; but she is a remarkably beautiful woman still。〃
〃She is;〃 agreed Katherine。
〃I am very glad that you could e today;〃 went on Knighton。 〃M。 Poirot is going to be there also。 What an extraordinary little man he is。 Do you know him well; Miss Grey?〃
Katherine shook her head。 〃I met him on the train on the way here。 I was reading a detective novel; and I happened to say something about such things not happening in real life … of course; I had no idea of who he was。〃
〃He is a very remarkable person;〃 said Knighton slowly; 〃and has done some very remarkable things。 He has a kind of genius for going to the root of the matter; and right up to the end no one has any idea of what he is really thinking。 I remember I was staying at a house in Yorkshire; and Lady Clanravons jewels were stolen。 It seemed at first to be a simple robbery; but it pletely baffled the local police。 I wanted them to call in Hercule Poirot; and said he was the only man who could help them; but they pinned their faith to Scotland Yard。〃
〃And what happened?〃 said Katherine curiously。