With a word of excuse to Lady Tamplin; he broke it open; and an expression of utter astonishment came over his face as he read; then he looked at his hostess。
〃This is most extraordinary。 I say; Rosalie; I am afraid I will have to leave you。 The Prefect of Police wants to see me at once。 I cant think what about。〃
〃Your sins have found you out;〃 remarked Lenox。
〃They must have;〃 said Derek; 〃probably some idiotic nonsense; but I suppose I shall have to push off to the Prefecture。 How dare the old boy rout me out from dinner? It ought to be something deadly serious to justify that;〃 and he laughed as he pushed back his chair and rose to leave the room。
Chapter 13
On the afternoon of the 15th February a thick yellow fog had settled down on London。
Rufus Van Aldin was in his suite at the Savoy and was making the most of the atmospheric conditions by working double time。 Knighton was overjoyed。 He had found it difficult of late to get his employer to concentrate on the matters in hand。 When he had ventured to urge certain courses; Van Aldin had put him off with a curt word。 But now Van Aldin seemed to be throwing himself into work with redoubled energy; and the secretary made the most of his opportunities。 Always tactful; he plied the spur so unobtrusively that Van Aldin never suspected it。
Yet in the middle of this absorption in business matters; one little fact lay at the back of Van Aldins mind。 A chance remark of Knightons; uttered by the secretary in all unconsciousness; had given rise to it。 It now festered unseen; gradually reaching further and further forward into Van Aldins consciousness; until at last; in spite of himself he had to yield to its insistence。
He listened to what Knighton was saying with his usual air of keen attention; but in reality not one word of it perated his mind。 He nodded automatically; however; and the secretary turned to some other paper。
As he was sorting them out; his employer spoke:
〃Do you mind telling me that over again; Knighton?〃
For a moment Knighton was at a loss。
〃You mean about this; sir?〃 He held up a closely written pany report。
〃No; no;〃 said Van Aldin; 〃what you told me about seeing Ruths maid in Paris last night。 I cant make it out。 You must have been mistaken。〃
〃I cant have been mistaken; sir; I actually spoke to her。〃
〃Well; tell me the whole thing again。〃
Knighton plied。
〃I had fixed up the deal with Barthermers;〃 he explained; 〃and had gone back to the Ritz to pick up my traps preparatory to having dinner and catching the nine oclock train from the Gare du Nord。 At the reception desk I sars Ketterings maid。 I went up to her and asked if Mrs Kettering was staying there。〃
〃Yes; yes;〃 said Van Aldin。 〃Of course。 Naturally。 And she told you that Ruth had gone on to the Riviera and had sent her to the Ritz to await further orders there?〃
〃Exactly that; sir。〃
〃It is very odd;〃 said Van Aldin。 〃Very odd; indeed; unless the woman had been impertinent or something of that kind。〃
〃In that case;〃 objected Knighton; 〃surely Mrs Kettering would have paid her down a sum of money; and told her to go back to England。 She would hardly have sent her to the Ritz。〃
〃No;〃 muttered the millionaire; 〃thats true。〃
He was about to say something further; but checked himself。 He was fond of Knighton and liked and trusted him; but he could hardly discuss his daughters private affairs with his secretary。 He had already felt hurt by Ruths lack of frankness; and this chance revelation which had e to him did nothing to allay his misgivings。
Why had Ruth got rid of her maid in Paris? What possible object or motive could she have had in so doing?
He reflected for a moment or two on the curious bination of chance。 How should it have occurred to Ruth; except as the wildest coincidence; that the first person that the maid should run across in Paris should be her fathers secretary? Ah; but that was the way things happened。 That was the way things got found out。
He winced at the last phrase; it had arisen with plete naturalness to his mind。 Was there then something to be found out? He hated to put this question to himself; he had no doubt of the answer。 The answer was … he was sure of it … Armand de la Roche。
It was bitter to Van Aldin that a daughter of his should be gulled by such a man; yet he was forced to admit that she was in good pany … that other well…bred and intelligent women had succumbed just as easily to the Counts fascination。 Men saw through him; women did not。
He sought now for a phrase that would allay any suspicion that his secretary might have felt。
〃Ruth is always changing her mind about things at a moments notice;〃 he remarked; and then he added in a would…be careless tone; 〃The maid didnt give any … er … reason for this change of plan?〃
Knighton was careful to make his voice as natural as possible as he replied:
〃She said; sir; that Mrs Kettering had met a friend unexpectedly。〃