
天锡小说网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第9部分(第1页)


The tone of the demands was still polite。

Derek knew how soon that polite tone would change if … if certain news became public property。

He flung himself moodily into a large leather…covered chair。 A damned hole … that was what he was in。 Yes; a damned hole!

And ways of getting out of that damned hole were not too promising。

Pavett appeared with a discreet cough。

〃A gentleman to see you … sir … Major Knighton。〃

〃Knighton; eh?〃

Derek sat up; frowned; became suddenly alert。 He said in a softer tone; almost to himself:

〃Knighton … I wonder what is in the wind now?〃

〃Shall I … er … show him in; sir?〃

His master nodded。 When Knighton entered the room he found a charming and genial host awaiting him。

〃Very good of you to look me up;〃 said Derek。

Knighton was nervous。

The others keen eyes noticed that at once。

The errand on which the secretary had e was clearly distasteful to him。 He replied almost mechanically to Dereks easy flow of conversation。 He declined a drink; and; if anything; his manner became stiffer than before。

Derek appeared at last to notice it。

〃Well;〃 he said cheerfully; 〃what does my esteemed father…in…law want with me? You have e on his business; I take it?〃

Knighton did not smile in reply。

〃I have; yes;〃 he said carefully。 〃I … I wish Mr Van Aldin had chosen someone else。〃

Derek raised his eyebrows in mock dismay。

〃Is it as bad as all that? I am not very thin skinned; I can assure you; Knighton。〃

〃No;〃 said Knighton; 〃but this …〃

He paused。

Derek eyed him keenly。

〃Go on; out with it;〃 he said kindly。 〃I can imagine my dear father…in…laws errands might not always be pleasant ones。〃

Knighton cleared his throat。 He spoke formally in tones that he strove to render free of embarrassment。

〃I am directed by Mr Van Aldin to make you a definite offer。〃

〃An offer?〃 For a moment Derek showed his surprise。 Knightons opening words were clearly not what he had expected。 He offered a cigarette to Knighton; lit one himself; and sank back in his chair; murmuring in a slightly sardonic voice:

〃An offer? That sounds rather interesting。〃

〃Shall I go on?〃

〃Please。 You must forgive my surprise; but it seems to me that my dear father…in…law has rather climbed down since our chat this morning。 And climbing down is not what one associates with strong men。 Napoleons of finance; etc。 It shows … I think it shows that he finds his position weaker than he thought it。〃

