
天锡小说网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第3部分(第1页)


Van Aldin laughed amusedly。

〃I guess so。 You see; they are my little present for Ruthie。〃

The secretary smiled discreetly。

〃I can understand now Mrs Ketterings anxiety over the telephone;〃 he murmured。 But Van Aldin shook his head。 The hard look returned to his face。

〃You are wrong there;〃 he said。 〃She doesnt know about these; they are my little surprise for her。〃

He shut the case; and began slowly to wrap it up again。

〃Its a hard thing; Knighton;〃 he said; 〃how little one can do for those one loves。 I can buy a good portion of the earth for Ruth; if it would be any use to her; but it isnt。 I can hang these things round her neck and give her a moment or twos pleasure; maybe; but …〃

He shook his head。

〃When a woman is not happy in her home …〃

He left the sentence unfinished。 The secretary nodded discreetly。 He knew; none better; the reputation of the Hon Derek Kettering。 Van Aldin sighed。 Slipping the parcel back in his coat pocket; he nodded to Knighton and left the room。

Chapter 4


The Hon Mrs Derek Kettering lived in Curzon Street。 The butler who opened the door recognized Rufus Van Aldin at once and permitted himself a discreet smile of greeting。 He led the way upstairs to the big double drawing…room on the first floor。

A woman who was sitting by the window started up with a cry。

〃Why; Dad; if that isnt too good for anything! Ive been telephoning Major Knighton all day to try and get hold of you; but he couldnt say for sure when you were expected back。〃

Ruth Kettering was twenty…eight years of age。 Without being beautiful; or in the real sense of the word even pretty; she was striking looking because of her colouring。 Van Aldin had been called Carrots and Ginger in his time; and Ruths hair was almost pure auburn。 With it went dark eyes and very black lashes … the effect somewhat enhanced by art。 She was tall and slender; and moved well。 At a careless glance it was the face of a Raphael Madonna。 Only if one looked closely did one perceive the same line of jaw and chin as in Van Aldins face; bespeaking the same hardness and determination。 It suited the man; but suited the woman less well。 From her childhood upward Ruth Van Aldin had been accustomed to having her own way; and anyone who had ever stood up against her soon realized that Rufus Van Aldins daughter never gave in。

〃Knighton told me youd phoned him;〃 said Van Aldin。 〃I only got back from Paris half an hour ago。 Whats all this about Derek?〃

Ruth Kettering flushed angrily。

〃Its unspeakable。 Its beyond all limits;〃 she cried。 〃He … he doesnt seem to listen to anything I say。〃

There was bewilderment as well as anger in her voice。

〃Hell listen to me;〃 said the millionaire grimly。

Ruth went on。

〃Ive hardly seen him for the last month。 He goes about everywhere with that woman。〃

〃With what woman?〃

〃Mirelle。 She dances at the Parthenon; you know。〃

Van Aldin nodded。

〃I was down at Leconbury last week。 I … I spoke to Lord Leconbury。 He was awfully sweet to me; sympathized entirely。 He said hed give Derek a good talking to。〃

〃Ah!〃 said Van Aldin。

〃What do you mean by Ah!; Dad?〃

〃Just what you think I mean; Ruthie。 Poor old Leconbury is a wash…out。 Of course he sympathized with you; of course he tried to soothe you down。 Having got his son and heir married to the daughter of one of the richest men in the States; he naturally doesnt want to mess the thing up。 But hes got one foot in the grave already; everyone knows that; and anything he may say will cut darned little ice with Derek。〃

〃Cant you do anything; Dad?〃 urged Ruth; after a minute or two。

〃I might;〃 said the millionaire。 He waited a second reflectively; and then went on。

〃There are several things I might do; but theres only one that will be any real good。 How much pluck have you got; Ruthie?〃

She stared at him。 He nodded back at her。

〃I mean just what I say。 Have you got the grit to admit to all the world that youve made a mistake? Theres only one way out of this mess; Ruthie。 Cut your losses and start afresh。〃

〃You mean …〃



Van Aldin smiled drily。

