Rose and her mother; looking grumpy。 Nate had been intermittently
baked; drunk; or passed out since Friday; and looked woozy and
rumpled; as if he’d just woken up。 Serena was wearing some of the
new clothes she’d bought shopping with her mother the day before;
and she had a new haircut; with soft layers framing her face。 She
looked even more beautiful than ever; but nervous and jumpy after
drinking six cups of coffee。 Only Chuck seemed at ease; happily
sipping his Bloody Mary。
Cyrus Rose sliced his salmon…and…leek omelet in half and plunked it
on a pumpernickel bagel。 “I’ve been craving eggs;” he said; biting
into it hungrily。 “You know when your body tells you you need
something?” he said; to no one in particular。 “Mine’s shouting;
‘Eggs; eggs; eggs!’ ”
And mine’s shouting; “Shut the fuck up;” Blair thought。
Blair pushed her plate toward him。 “Here; have mine。 I hate eggs;”
she said。
Cyrus pushed her plate back。 “No; you’re growing。 You need that
more than I do。”
“That’s right; Blair;” her mother agreed。 “Eat your eggs。 They’re
good for you。”
“I hear eggs make your hair shiny;” Misty Bass added。
Blair shook her head。 “I don’t eat chicken abortions;” she said
stubbornly。 “They make me gag。”
Chuck reached across the table。 “I’ll eat them; if you don’t want
“Oh; now; Chuck;” Mrs。 Bass clucked。 “Don’t be a piggy。”
“She said she didn’t want them;” Chuck said。 “Right; Blair?”
Blair handed her plate over; careful not to look at Serena or Nate;
sitting on either side of Chuck。
Serena was busy cutting her omelet into little squares; like Scrabble
pieces。 She began building tall towers of them。
Out of the corner of his eye; Nate was watching her。 He was also
watching Chuck’s hands。 Each time they slid underneath the
tablecloth and out of view; Nate imagined them all over Serena’s