
天锡小说网>gossip girl百度 > 第9部分(第2页)


Serena slid her tray along the metal counter; choosing a lemon

yogurt and skipping all the hot lunch selections until she came to

the hot…water dispenser; where she filled up a cup with hot water

and placed a Lipton tea bag; a slice of lemon; and a packet of sugar

on the saucer。 Then she carried her tray over to the salad bar;

where she filled up a plate with a pile of romaine lettuce and poured

a small puddle of bleu cheese dressing beside it。 She would have

preferred a toasted ham…and…cheese sandwich in the Gare du Nord

in Paris; eaten in a hurry before leaping onto her London train; but

this was almost as good。 It was the same lunch she’d eaten at

Constance every day since sixth grade。 Blair always got the same

thing too。 They called it the “diet plate。”

Blair watched as Serena got her salad; dreading the moment when

Serena would sit down next to her in all her glory and start trying to

be friends again。 Ugh。

“Hey guys;” Serena said; sitting down next to Blair; smiling

radiantly。 “Just like old times; huh?” She laughed and peeled back

the top of her yogurt。 The cuffs of her brother’s old shirt were

frayed; and stray threads dangled in the yogurt’s watery whey。

“Hello; Serena;” Kati and Isabel said in unison。

Blair looked up at Serena and turned the corners of her glossy lips

upwards。 It was almost a smile。

Serena stirred the yogurt up and nodded at Blair’s tray; where the

remains of her bagel with cream cheese and cucumber were

strewn。 “I guess you outgrew the diet plate;” she observed。

“I guess;” Blair said。 She smashed a lump of cream cheese into her

paper napkin with her thumb; staring at Serena’s sloppy cuffs in

bewilderment。 It was fine to wear your brother’s old clothes in ninth

and tenth grade。 Then; it was cool。 But now? It just seemed 。 。 。


“So my schedule totally sucks;” Serena said; licking her spoon。 “I

don’t have a single class with you guys。”

“Um; that’s because you’re not taking any APs;” Kati observed。

“You’re lucky;” Isabel sighed。 “I have so much work to do I don’t

even have time to sleep。”

“Well; at least I’ll have more time to party;” Serena said。 She

nudged Blair’s elbow。 “What’s going on this month; anyway? I feel

so pletely out of it。”

Blair sat up straight and picked up her plastic cup; only to find there

