
天锡小说网>Gossip Girl 翻译 > 第24部分(第2页)


A shadow of a frown crossed Serena’s face。 “Then let’s go somewhere else!” she decided; grabbing Dan’s hand。 Dan felt himself blush。 “We could go for a walk or something;” she said easily。

Walk? No。 Dan did not want to walk。 In fact; all he wanted to do was stare at Serena’s silken hair and ocean blue eyes and… “There has to be a bar around here somewhere;” he croaked。

Liquid courage always helps。

They crossed Seventh Avenue; and as they did; a flash went off。 Serena turned her head away from the photographer; clearly used to this kind of thing。 “How about there?” She nodded toward an oak door to a bar with dark windows and no discernable sign。

Dan nodded。 It seemed like a good bet; the sort of place where a New York writer would take his muse。 “Let’s go;” he decided; pulling Serena inside。

The bar was grimy and dark and smelled like Lysol and Bud Lite。 They were the only people there besides two red…faced old men frowning over crossword puzzles。

“I love it!” Serena pronounced; sliding onto one of the cracked vinyl booths in the front。 She shrugged off her coat; then took off her gloves。 “Aren’t you hot?” she asked; looking expectantly up at Dan; who was still clad in his black puffer coat。

“Yeah;” Dan admitted; feeling slightly nauseous。 He shrugged off his coat and slid it on the bench opposite her。 “I’ll get drinks。” He strode up to the pockmarked bar; wondering what the hell he should order for Serena。 She probably drank hundred…dollar glasses of champagne。

“We’ve got five…dollar pitchers of Bud Lite until five。 Manager’s special;” the ancient bartender growled; not looking up from his sudoku puzzle。

“Sure; fine;” Dan said distractedly; slapping the money on the table。 He carried back the pitcher; along with two plastic cups; and carefully poured drinks for both of them。

“Cheers!” Serena held up her cup toward Dan。 “Thanks for meeting me。 I know it’s random; but when I opened up that New Yorker; I can’t even tell you how badly I needed to hear something nice。 And then I saw my name… and then I saw your name…。 Anyway; I really liked it;” Serena trailed off uncertainly。 Did she sound like a total stalker? Maybe the poem wasn’t about her at all—maybe it was about his dog or his mom or maybe he just randomly chose the name from a name book。 Maybe her whole problem was she was just too much of a romantic; seeing love when it wasn’t there。 She took a long swig of beer。

“Oh。” Dan blushed。 He’d been trying to figure out how to explain the poem to Serena without sounding like a stalker or a loser; but so far; he had nothing。 He figured the words would e to him。 He took a big gulp of beer; even though he hated the taste of it。 He much preferred scotch or whiskey。 “I actually wrote that in high school。 Right after we dated。” Maybe the truth was the best way to go。

“Really?” Serena gazed up at Dan’s sweet and sincere face。 She and Dan had dated for a little bit their senior year; but had quickly realized they were just too different。 He’d been nice; but way too intense with his poetry; and looking back; she could hardly remember what they’d done or spoken about when they’d been together。

“I hope you don’t mind;” Dan mumbled。 He couldn’t believe he and Serena van der Woodsen; his high school crush; his former muse; were just chatting over Bud Lights at four o’clock in the afternoon。 It was so bizarre; it almost felt normal。

Serena broke into a smile。 “I loved it。 Except I had to look up a few of the Ovid references。 If you weren’t such a good writer; I’d think you were trying to make people feel dumb。” She smiled; then ducked under the table; pulling out a dog…eared copy of Ovid from her large white purse。 “It’s from that myth; right? About the two lovers who are turned into birds because one can’t live without the other? I cried when I read it;” Serena confessed。 It was so nice to actually talk about everything she’d been reading。

Dan blinked。 Serena had actually looked up the Greek mythology allusion in the poem? He didn’t think Serena van der Woodsen read literature。

Or The New Yorker?

“So; how’s Columbia?” Serena asked after a pause。 She hadn’t been sure what they’d talk about when they met; and right now; Dan wasn’t doing much talking at all。 Maybe it was an artist thing。 Maybe she was distracting him from an afternoon of poetry writing。 What was he thinking? His eyes looked so large and brown and kept flicking toward her; then away。 He was mysterious。 He had substance。 And; especially recently; Serena hadn’t hung out with many guys who had substance。

“It’s great!” Dan said enthusiastically; glad they’d landed on a less awkward topic。 He could talk about college。 “I get to spend my time reading great books and talking to people who actually care about them; not just people who are trying to get good grades;” Dan said; hoping Serena didn’t think he was hopelessly dorky。 “In high school I felt like I was just wasting my life doing what other people wanted me to do。 I’m reading The Fountainhead。 Have you read it?” Dan asked hopefully。

Serena shook her head slowly。 She’d forgotten how intense Dan Humphrey was。 She leaned in close。 “Tell me about it。”

“Oh; well; it’s about this architect who decides to accept obscurity and ridicule instead of promising his ideals in his designs。 It’s about choosing good art above all else;” Dan said seriously。 “And that’s what I feel like college is all about。 Figuring out what’s important to you in life; the thing you’ll follow to the end of the earth。 Figuring out what you care about most。” Dan blushed and looked down into his mug。 If she didn’t think he was a giant dork before; she definitely would now。

Serena nodded。 That made sense。 “I could see that;” she offered。 “I’ve been taking a break from acting to figure out what I want; but I still don’t know。” She grabbed the pitcher and refilled their plastic cups。 “I’m not really passionate about anything like you are。”

“I think you’re passionate;” Dan said。 “I mean; I think you must have a passion。” He blushed and gulped his beer。 What was his problem? The more he tried not to sound like a creepy stalker; the more stalkerish he sounded。 “Would you ever think about college?” he asked; hoping he didn’t sound like a pushy parent。

“I’m actually deferred from Yale right now。” Serena sighed。 Ins

